Welcome to the Juan de Fuca Performing Arts Centre Society
Charity Registration 79421 9725 RR0001
Latest News
2025 Annual General Meeting
Please join us for the 2025 Annual General Meeting, Sunday, February 23rd, 2 pm. You can join in person (Juan de Fuca Seniors' Centre) or via Zoom. To register, please go to...
What will the arts and culture centre include?
Thanks to funding from the City of Colwood, PACS hired a consultant team to provide a refreshed feasibility study that identified the different types of spaces that could be included...
Accessibility and Inclusion Study
Ensuring that the proposed West Shore Arts and Culture Centre a welcoming, inclusive and accessible space is a priority for this project. Our consultant team has been researching ways...
The West Shore needs a community arts and culture centre
To become a truly healthy community, we need a West Shore home for the arts. Millions of taxpayer dollars have been invested in our community’s sports infrastructure, because it helps people to achieve a healthy lifestyle. The health benefits of the arts are proven. It’s time we had the public arts infrastructure we need to truly become a healthy and culturally vibrant community.
Our goal is the creation of a vibrant community arts and culture centre serving the needs of the West Shore and beyond.
“The nonprofit arts and culture industry is an economic driver in communities – a growth industry that supports jobs, generates government revenue, and is a cornerstone of tourism.”
You can help us…
Become a member of our Society – only $20 per year!
Write to your mayor and council and let them know that you support the need for a community arts and culture centre in the West Shore. And please cc us: secretary@building4thearts.com.
Donate. All contributions welcome! We provide a charitable tax receipt for all amounts $20 and above.
And please check out and “like” our Facebook page.
Want to share your skills?
There are many ways you can support PACS, such as by becoming a member. We are also looking for people who would like to help us to champion an arts and culture centre in the West Shore. If that’s you, please contact secretary@building4thearts.com.