Feedback from 2022 Westshore Candidates



Does the Westshore needs an arts and culture centre?

Why/Why not?

If elected, what steps would you take to support the development of a Westshore arts and culture centre?


Scott Goodmanson


Stewart Young


Shirley Ackland


Denise Blackwell

Councillor Yes (Langford) Downtown too far to travel at night. Continue to support funds for Langford‚ and the performing arts centre.

Kimberley Guiry

Councillor Yes I think there is enough of a demand to support a new arts and culture centre. Spaces that support creative and artistic communities are always benefit society as a whole and would definitely contribute to the vitality and resilience of our West Shore communities. If elected, I would work with staff and council to see how Langford can be part of the conversation for the development of a Juan de Fuca Performing Arts Centre. This new centre could be a wonderful complement to the theatre being developed in Langford and it would worth the energy to ensure Langford supports the potential of this complementary relationship.

Colby Harder


Wendy Hobbs

Councillor Yes I absolutely believe we need an arts and culture centre. It is so important for a community to have a vibrant arts and culture centre for residents of all ages to enjoy. It is so very important to the residents heath and wellness and enhances their quality of life. If elected I would continue to enhance the partnership we have with SD62 and form other partnerships in our community by inviting other organizations to work with the City. It is also vital that Council consult with our community to see what their ideas are to improve arts and culture and explore how we can get a centre built with partnerships.

Mark Morley

Councillor Yes Agreed that Westshore lacks a facility, and we need something comparable to the Mary Winspear Centre. I would endeavour to bring a motion forward to provide funding to match that of other Westshore communities as well as encourage the Langford community to raise funds as they in Sydney.

Sharon Russell Willing


Matt Sahlstrom


Lanny Seaton


Norma Stewart

Councillor Yes To produce youth involvement which increases confidence, teamwork and creativity. Another form of family entertainment without going into town. The city of Langford (Mayor and council) have been working to develop a Westshore Arts and Culture center, and the Community First electoral team that includes me, Norma Stewart, hope to present the proposal for consideration to the community in the near future.

Lillian Szpak

Councillor Yes (empty) I would encourage my fellow Council to endorse, provide partnership funding, lobbying senior government, and simply saying “I support an arts and culture centre”. I believe that we can never have too many venues for arts and culture – people places, display spaces, performing spaces, both and intimate and large production. If it was on a referendum, i would campaign for its support.

Roger Wade


Mary Wagner

Councillor Yes It is difficult for my children and members of the community to find space for shows and events, for example theatre, dance and piano recitals. I have heard members of the community wishing for a gathering place for arts and crafts (e.g. quilting). Having a community arts and culture centre here in the West Shore helps complete our community instead of people having to drive into town. There is an emphasis on sports activities, but arts and culture are equally important for our health and well-being. People of all ages and abilities can benefit from an arts and culture, finding joy, purpose, friendships and wellness. I would advocate for public spending on a West Shore arts and culture centre that was for the community to use rather than a for-profit business. I would promote a model similar to the West Shore Recreation Centre, that would provide affordable arts and culture opportunities.

Keith Yacucha

Councillor Yes The Westshore currently feels like an arts and culture desert. If we could help extend this out of Victoria and Saanich, I feel that it would be beneficial for many youth and aspiring artists here in the Westshore. I would like to see an increase in community centres and/or small-scale rec centres to provide community services, programming and local events. Looking at other municipalities, many utilize these community centres to further develop arts and culture, and I similarly believe that such infrastructure could be used to bolster the development of local arts and culture.


Doug Kobayashi

Mayor Yes Proven to be a great gathering place for community building. Work with fellow regional Westshore mayors and councils to enlist their cooperation to achieve the vision.

Rob Martin

Mayor Yes Art is a pillar of a great community. The quality of life for our residents can be directly correlated to their ability to access the Arts in our community. I will continue to work closely with the Juan de Fuca Performing Arts Centre Society to move this idea from vision to reality.

Cynthia Day


David Grove

Councillor Yes With our fast growing population the need is simple arithmetic. Fine facility is always a good thing as artists of every discipline look for amenable and capable space for their expression. The beginnings of support are through policy adoption. The Official Community Plan drives decisions of support; financial and philosophical. I will speak clearly and tirelessly to uphold this reality. From a clear position in the OCP we will build out much activity both small and large, amateur and professional; local productions, from concept to final performance will thrive.

Dean Jantzen

Councillor Yes A place for people to gather, and a place for artists of all stripes to perform, practice, and connect. I will support local grassroots groups who come forward to champion all art forms.

Kim Jordison

Councillor Yes Yes I do but perhaps not just a performing arts centre but an actual arts and culture centre. Yes because an arts and culture centre brings people together, and culture helps to appreciate each other and their diversity which equals improved community cohesion and reduced social isolation. I would expect the Society to come to the table with the work done, the contacts made, the buy in made, the financial dollars acquired with a proposal that shows that everyone is invested and together we can get this off the ground.

Steven MacAskill

Councillor Yes The arts are an extremely important piece of building a complete community. The Westshore needs a place where artists both young and old can enjoy and showcase their passions. Along being a vocal about the benefits of the Arts in a community, I would advocate for events which showcase the amazing artists in our community, giving them outlets to show their work in an effort to show the many, many people who would benefit from an arts and culture centre. Additionally, I would work with other municipalities in the Westshore to try and make the cost of both building and operating an Arts and Culture centre less burdensome on Colwood’s tax base.

Kim Mohns

Councillor Yes It brings people of all walks of life together. Continue to study the feasibility of having a West Shore arts and culture centre.

Misty Olsen

Councillor Yes A dedicated centre would bring communities together to share in activities they love with their neighbours, friends and family. This type of togetherness plays an essential role towards creating a thriving and healthy community. If elected, I would work with Mayor and Council to prioritize culture lead initiatives like this and offer personal time to volunteer with the PACS to help make this community vision come to fruition.

Stewart Parkinson

Councillor Yes (empty) Continue to advocate for regional cooperation

Ian Ward

Councillor Yes The arts capture the soul of a place, be it a city or culture in a region. A centre for arts and culture could quite easily be the focal part of the community, providing a space for people to come together and learn and communicate and share in a social setting. The arts engage, educate and foster a sense of belonging and history. There are real economic benefits as well as the aforementioned benefits to the community and individuals. It’s a missing piece of the puzzle on the Westshore! Absolutely – you would have my support.

View Royal

David Screech


Sid Tobias

Mayor Yes It is too far to downtown and locating it here would go far to promote our own evolving community culture and act as a Centre of Gravity for other related business such as restaurants. I would engage the public with a proposal to support it financially and consider available land for its use if it had support from the community.

Don Brown

Councillor Yes We don’t have a good central spot for the arts. I was hoping that the casino would go ahead with their plan to build a small theatre for live events. Work with West Shore Parks and Recreation and other municipalities to make this happen.

Judy Estrin

Councillor Yes You are talking about a passion of mine. I believe whole heartedly that we need a world class cultural / arts center in the greater Victoria area – we must foster support of and participation in the arts. It can also be a huge draw of revenue to the area. Push for fiscal support, champion the arts in all development projects. Look for ways to partner with you in this vision for the Westshore.

Damian Kowalewich

Councillor Yes As the Westshore continues to grow, we see more opportunities to expand our arts and culture. With so many young families, we have a duty to provide healthy and productive options and activates for our residents. I would continue my local support as I have for the last 2 terms. In 2019, I was the event organizer for the View Royal Arts Fest. I will strive for more events like this and engage in discussions with residents and PACS members to look at ways to deliver and support their wishes.

Gery Lemon

Councillor Yes Even some of the smallest communities across BC and the country have facilities dedicated to the arts. Not only does the West Shore deserve an arts and culture facility, it is long over due. Imagine the exposure possibilities for emerging artists if given a local stage and venue. Given parking and accessibility challenges downtown, many residents miss out on great shows. A local venue only makes sense. As View Royal’s (current) representative on the CRD Arts Commission, I am an advocate for the arts and am keen to learn more about the ideas and planning for such a centre from those who have been active in this initiative. I am definitely on board with supporting a facility dedicated to showcasing local artists and cultural events and providing a venue for residents to enjoy touring artists.

Alison Mackenzie

Councillor Yes A significant part of my commitment for View Royal is to ensure that the growth in housing is accompanied by consideration for amenities and services to support a healthy and thriving community. Just as the West Shore sports infrastructure has helped towards filling a growing community need, it is sensible that a West Shore Arts Centre would also be a positive initiative – however, I would like the opportunity to discuss further with View Royal residents to be informed by their perspectives. As someone who has benefitted from the arts growing up – fortunate enough to participate in both music and dance – I would be happy to lend my voice and share my story of how the arts have shaped who I am and provided me with life-long skills.

Ron Mattson


John Rogers

Councillor Yes The Westshore is historically known for its artistic creativity; it has grown to warrant large events and permanent purpose-built facilities; the success and need for the Westshore Parks and Rec is an example of regional cooperation and cost sharing, and it is Climate Responsible, so people do not have to travel and destroy the environment for all our arts or culture needs. If Sidney and Victoria can do it, so can Westshore. There is still good reason to be an active contributor to the CRD Arts Commission as well. We have enough small venues to enable travelling events. We do need ‘one stop shopping’ that has a collective ‘go to’ website that will list schedules for all the events. would support commissioning a cost shared report for an independent, objective assessment with risks/needs analysis. Identify governance model options (similar to the Westshore Parks and Rec model,) funding formula, and what location (s) and a detailed report of costs and revenues. What would be annual cost to taxpayer? I would encourage grant applications for senior government funding to move this along. I would encourage an efficient transportation network to/from a centralized location. I would promote a commercial revenue base to support a viable, long-term operation.


Kyara Kahakauwila


Marie-Terese Little


Mark Atherton


Tamara Ballard


Shelly Donaldson


Sharie Epp


Steve Gray

Councillor Yes Arts and culture are necessary for our well-being. They contribute to connectedness, a vibrant life, build community and common understandings. Arts and culture help us learn and expand our horizons, assist us in multi-cultural understanding, acceptance of others and new ways of being. Learn more about the initiative. Engage with Metchosin residents and others on Council to determine what support we might offer. Consult with the Metchosin Arts and Cultural Association. Also, assist with seeking philanthropic support.

Jay Shukin


Eric White

Councillor Not sure/maybe I would want to know more about space and the cost Metchosin residents but I can see a lot of potential benefit to having a theatre in the Westshore. I would take the time to listen to the proponents and try to make the best decision based on what my community wants but in principle I do support the idea.

Leslie Zinger

Councillor Yes Several artist and musicians live in and around the western communities. With several new high schools being built having a proper arts and cultural center would be encouraging to next generation of musicians and artists indigenous and non-indigenous. I am hopeful that the indigenous culture will remain to showcase the proposed museum research center still goes ahead as planned at Royal Bay. I would lobby provincial government and federal politicians.


Ken Williams


Leslie Anderson

Councillor Yes Art and culture activities are an important way to build community, support learning and provide inspiration and relaxation. Contribute to the development of workable funding and governance models.

Ann Baird


Gord Baird


Guy Claude Brisebois

Councillor Yes To possibly introduce local talents, and a place to see shows without having to park and go downtown at night! I am unsure of how to answer this question at this time. I am running to ensure a better future for my kids and grandkids, and as I progress through all this, I will ensure that my steps will always be to build a brighter future for the next generation.

Ken and Marie Brotherston


Karel Roessingh


Rose Stanton

Councillor Yes I think every community needs an arts and culture centre. People come together and share an experience, and art and artists are supported. Highlands has expressed support for a West Shore arts and culture centre in the past and I would support it going forward.